Our Publications


A Newletter is produced each month. This gives details of the most recent meeting and forthcoming events.

The Newsletter is available free of charge to members and non-members alike.

Local Past

This publication is produced twice a year and contains articles, photographs and letters submitted by our members and other contributors. It is available on line or from various retail outlets. Back numbers are available via the CONTACT US page. Current and past copies for reference can also be found in the local studies section of Alcester Library.

Production of “Local Past would be impossible without the help of our contributors. If you would like to submit an article, letter or just a photograph these will br gratefully received. The editor is Ian Greig and he will be pleased to give you whatever advice and assistance is required. He can be contacted at editor@alcesterhistory.org.uk




Local Past 2020 2

Occasional Papers

Occasional Papers are special publications covering various specific subjects in the history of the town and area. The first one cam out in 1975. Many of these are available for download in the archive section. Printed copes are available to view in Alcester Library, Priory Rd.